February 28, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

beer price increase

First of all, this is not the April’s Fool Joke. Beer price set to increase from 3% to 12 % next months as reported on The Edge Markets today. Heineken Malaysia Bhd and Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd announced that the price hike is due to increase cost in raw materials and packaging materials, resulting from the rise of global commodity prices.

According the The Edge Markets, Heineken will raise the prices of its products per pack by 3% to 12% while Carlsberg will increase its prices by 3% to 6.2%.

Please take not that not all products are subject to price increases.

The decision to adjust prices is made after careful consideration of various factors, primarily due to the significant increase in costs of raw materials and packaging materials, resulting from the rise of global commodity prices,” Heineken managing director Roland Bala told The Edge Financial Daily.

You can read the whole news report at The Edge Markets here.

We don’t drink that much so this won’t affect us. Thus, we only drink beer occasionally or while traveling overseas. Looks like many things have gone up this year excluding our salaries. This is not an April Fool’s Joke or prank.

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