July 1, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Another Case of Malaysians Almost Kidnapped in Bangkok

Guess what? Another Case of Malaysians Almost Kidnapped in Bangkok and it is similar situation with the same case two months ago. This time it involves a private van and not e-hailing van.

This Another Case of Malaysians Almost Kidnapped in Bangkok was posted on Facebook two days ago and it was reported by Chinese Newspaper in Malaysia (like last time).

bangkok kidnap

This is the English translation of the story.

Almost sold as a piglet🐷

The thing is like this

I went to Bangkok, Thailand, with my family a few days ago. I originally planned this trip to just walk around the hotel because there was no chartered car. But the next afternoon, I suddenly wanted to go to some distant scenic spots. There happened to be a small stall near the hotel where you could charter a car for a day trip. You could choose several scenic spots for 1500฿, so we got on the bus…

After walking on the highway for a while, the driver started to make and answer calls all the time. He made 5-6 calls in 20 minutes. Fortunately, my aunt can speak Thai. I heard the driver and the person on the phone say, “There are 7 people in the car or something like that.” “, and kept asking us how many days we would stay here and what hotel we would stay at. And we were driving our own GPS, and the 30-minute journey took us an hour, and he told us that the driver also took the wrong route. He was supposed to go to the overpass, but he didn’t. We started to feel that something was wrong, so we immediately told him that we didn’t want to go to the scenic spots. It was very late and some of the scenic spots were probably closed. We had to go back to the hotel immediately. The driver kept pushing us to go, saying that we could go to other places that were not closed yet. Attractions. We were very scared and decided not to go. The driver then said that he was going to get gas. He kept talking on the phone after arriving at the gas station, so we got out of the car and paid him without asking him to take us back, because it really felt like He will take us somewhere else and not go back. Then we ran to the cafe next to the gas station, but we saw that he left without filling up! !

Later, I heard from local Thais that many hotels collude with black car services. The mineral water provided on chartered cars cannot be drunk because it contains Ecstasy. Most of them use fake license plates and do not carry passengers, so Thailand The government can’t trace it at all.

The purpose of this message is to let everyone try to choose a reliable charter service and not trust the stalls on the roadside. We don’t know if they are really going to sell us, but we can’t gamble on this kind of thing. If you don’t fear ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3686591991661773&set=a.1394019984252330

On the last incident, I was in contact with Hong Kong influencer Roger Wu who is based in Bangkok as well as Tourism Authority of Thailand Malaysia. This Another Case of Malaysians Almost Kidnapped in Bangkok is similar to the previous story.

It is another case of misunderstanding due to someone who ‘understand Thai’ who probably misheard of some Thai words. For this case, the private van price of 1500 Baht is too low for market rate as the current rate for private van in Bangkok in 2023 is around 2000 Baht and above. What happened I believe is the driver wanted to bring them to visit ‘shopping areas’ to make some extra commission and probably that is the reason why he insist on other ‘attractions’.

For your information, my friends and my family are staying in Bangkok Thailand for years. There are also many rich Thais and foreign residents who are worth more than any random tourists to be kidnapped. About selling human organs, it is almost unheard of in Thailand for decades except in other neighbour countries.

Personally, I visited Thailand more than 5 times within this two years after pandemic and recently, I brought my family there.

I believe this Another Case of Malaysians Almost Kidnapped in Bangkok is a case of misunderstanding again. However, it is also good to be vigilant when u traveling either local or abroad.

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