March 28, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Milo Cubes the Latest Craze in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore now

Milo Cubes the Latest Craze in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore now

Every heard of Milo Energy Cubes? Well, there are a few websites talk about this earlier this year but no one got a clue where to buy these Milo Energy Cubes. This little Milo Energy Cubes are the latest craze in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand right now.

milo cubes sizes
Milo Energy Cubes

My friends in Thailand have been trying to get their hands in this cute little Milo Energy Cubes and we managed to get it by purchasing online. We asked the seller to courier it to us via Pos Laju and it arrives this afternoon.

We saw many pictures of the Milo Energy Cubes and it is actually very small. The cube is 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm and each packet contains 100 of Milo Energy Cubes.

milo cubes
Milo Energy Cubes

Well, we opened and taste one of the cubes and this is addictive. Cubes compacted with Milo powder. The texture is hard so you need to chew it and once you chewed it, it will melt in your mouth. Since it is bite size, you can actually have a few Milo Energy Cubes at once. This is like the best product ever produced by Milo.

milo energy cubes malaysia
Milo Energy Cubes

These Milo Energy Cubes is produced in Milo Nigeria only and not anywhere else in the world. It is HALAL certified.

The Milo Energy Cubes are very addictive and you can pop one or two cubes when you feel sleepy or tired at work. Trust me, the kids will go crazy about this Milo Energy Cubes. Where to buy them in Malaysia? Read it here.

0 thoughts on “Milo Cubes the Latest Craze in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore now

  1. OMG! this is heaven I love eating milo as it is. haha! Sometimes I even mixed it with ice cream. oh lala its heaven, I’m telling you.. Sadly, this milo cubes isn’t available here in Philippines, I hope they can make it here too. Anyways, lovely blog! 🙂

  2. Once you tired it you wont go back to the normal milo.

    Milo cube can be mix with various ways.

    One even mix it with banana split & some just mixing it with milk.

    Just use your imagination anything is possible.

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