March 27, 2025


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Sadao Custom Immigration Procedure for Driving to Thailand

Sadao Custom Immigration Procedure for Driving to Thailand

We read a lot of mixed reviews on the new Sadao Custom and Immigration Check Point procedure for driving to Thailand. The new Immigration Complex is recently opened since October 2017. This is the new complex after you drive past Malaysia Bukit Kayu Hitam new Immigration Complex.

sadao custom checkpoint
The new Sadao Custom and Immigration Check Point 

Since we haven’t been driving to Thailand for years, we decided to self drive to Hatyai and check out the new Sadao Custom Immigration procedure.

December is the busiest month for Southern Thailand and most Malaysians will spend the weekend there for holiday, food, massage, shopping and more. They prefer to drive there on Fridays and Saturdays and there are often long queues on the border. To avoid the traffic jam on the border, we go on Sunday or weekdays (Monday to Thursday).

So, what do you need to prepare to self drive to Thailand?

  1. Original Car Registration Card (Grant)
  2. Thailand Insurance Form
  3. Information of Conveyance Forms (Inbound and Outbound)
  4. Passport
  5. Copy of Company Form 24 & 49 if the vehicle is registered under company name
  6. Authorisation Letter of Company if the vehicle is registered under company name
  7. Malaysian Driving License
Changloon Mini Tour

You can get the forms at the Sadao Immigration Complex or you can get it done by tour companies in Changloon, Kedah. We usually get our forms done at Changloon Mini Tour. You can spot the tour agencies in Changloon before you reach Bukit Kayu Hitam Custom and Immigration Check Point. You can get Thai SIM card from the travel agents too. The 4G Unlimited SIM Card is only for RM 15 and it is fast and good coverage based on our own experience.

bukit kayu hitam new custom checkpoint
Bukit Kayu Hitam Custom and Immigration Check Point
bukit kayu hitam custom
Bukit Kayu Hitam Custom and Immigration Check Point

After you get the forms done with your Passport and also Arrival Cards filled up, drive past Bukit Kayu Hitam Custom and Immigration Check Point (passports stamped), you will drive to the new Sadao Custom and Immigration Check Point.

Private vehicles and vans stick to the left lane and van and motorcycle on the right lane.

Here are the new procedures.

Private vehicle driver and passengers please remained in the car and wait for your turn to reach one of the three checkpoint counters.

sadao custom complex
The new Sadao Custom and Immigration Check Point 

At the checkpoint counter, driver is required to leave the vehicle and submit the passports with the Arrival Cards filled up and the Information of Conveyance Forms (Inbound & Outbound).

sadao custom information letter
Information of Conveyance Forms (Inbound & Outbound)

The officer will identify the driver and passengers from her counter and stamped the passport.

The officer will stamp on both the Information of Conveyance Forms and keep the Inbound form. You will need to keep the Outbound form and return it back when you go back to Malaysia. Don’t lose the Outbound form.

sadao custom overtime fees
Overtime Fees

There is Overtime Fees charges. For Driver is 25 Thai Baht and each Passenger 5 Thai Baht. Pay the officer the fees and you need to park your car next to the new complex to get your Custom Form.

sadao custom counter
After you parked your car (on the left of the picture), walk to the counter with your Original Car Registration Card (Grant), Passport (stamped) and Copy of Company Form 24 & 49 and Authorization Letter of Company if the vehicle is registered under company name.

Go to the counter, you need to show your Original Car Registration Card (Grant), Passport (stamped) and Copy of Company Form 24 & 49 and Authorization Letter of Company if the vehicle is registered under company name. The officer will generate two Custom Forms and you need to get it stamped. They will keep one Custom Form and you will keep one. Don’t lose the Custom Form as you need to return it back when you drive back to Malaysia. Many people call this Custom Form as Computer Form. The Custom Form will allow you to drive within Thailand for 30 days.

sadao custom car registration card
Original Car Registration Card (Grant)

After going through the new Sadao Custom and Immigration Checkpoint, here are our thoughts. The new procedure is systematic but the issue is many people are not aware of it. It took us 45 min to clear the custom and it is not as long as many claimed.

We believe the change to this new procedure is good. We hope this will help you in self drive in Thailand from Malaysia.

0 thoughts on “Sadao Custom Immigration Procedure for Driving to Thailand

  1. If I’m using a company car, do I need to have certified true copies of the form 24 and form 49? For company car registration card, is it ok to also use a certified true copy?

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