March 16, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Berjaya Air, 6 Hours Flight Delay Experience in Redang

It could be an amazing experience of Berjaya Redang Resort after a two nights stay there. However, the excitement turned ugly when we got told that our flight delayed to 4.30pm through our friends. Then it got delayed again until 7 pm. Well let me explain how it happened.

The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Redang was smooth. Kudos to them. However the return flight today was disappointing.

Our initial flight to fly from Redang to Kuala Lumpur with Berjaya Air was 12.30 pm. We were supposed to check out our Berjaya Redang Resort room by 11.3o am. At 11.30 am, we received call by our friends telling us our flight got delayed. The announcement here was conveyed by our friends instead of the airline representatives or the hotel representatives. We were told by our friends, the flight got delayed to 4.30pm and our rooms were extended to late check out until 2pm and we supposed to leave Berjaya Redang Resort by 3.30pm.

Okay, until 12.30pm, we received no phone calls from them telling us the flight delay. Imagine if our friends didn’t call us, we would miss the plane. Since the flight delayed till 4.30pm, we went for lunch at a  restaurant nearby. At 2pm, we received another call that we could board the 3 pm flight. Again, why is the 12.30pm flight delayed till 4.30pm while the 3pm flight remained? Nobody knows.

So then, we went back to the lobby and asked about the availability seats for 3 pm flight, she told us it was full. Then, to make matter worst, she told us the flight got delayed furthermore till 6 pm. Then, she told us there was lunch available for free until 2.30 pm after we had our lunch. We got really upset.

1. NO ONE from Berjaya Redang Resort or Berjaya Air bother to inform us about the initial 4.30 pm flight delayed.

2. NO ONE from Berjaya Redang Resort or Berjaya Air can explain why that we could not take the 3pm flight.

3. NO ONE from Berjaya Redang Resort or Berjaya Air bother to tell us that we got FREE LUNCH in the hotel.

4. NO ONE from Berjaya Redang Resort or Berjaya Air bother to inform us the flight got DELAYED AGAIN till 6pm.

The person in charge kept arguing that she has informed us, called our hotel room and such. What a big liar and bullshit I’ve heard. They got my mobile number records, she could have call us if she wanted to and we were in the hotel room until 12.30pm and there were no calls.

So then, we requested for an extra room and free meal which they agreed. However, while taking order for our free meal at 4pm, they created a mess again stating we can only have cakes and tea while the other group can order what they want. Everyone got really upset and only then, they agreed to what we were promised.

After wasting our valuable half day in the resort, we went to the airport for another 1 hour wait. We reached Subang at 8 pm. We couldn’t arrange transportation because they kept changing the timing.

I wouldn’t mind 6 hours delay if they could inform us properly. No phone calls or notices in the lobby showed how irresponsible they were. It was really a sour note to a great holiday.

0 thoughts on “Berjaya Air, 6 Hours Flight Delay Experience in Redang

    1. Well, let’s hope so. They could have make things easier for themselves and us. Seriously, it was really a sour note to a great holiday!

  1. What utter nonsense! They could have seriously improved on their services, or at least apologize sincerely, instead of arguing with the customers.

  2. mines worse when i flew with airasia from macau to kl.

    it was meant to be a midnite flight and they delay it to 2am, kept quiet till 3am then said they were flying a plane from kl and we didnt fly out till 6am. 6 hrs in the airport as we couldn’t get back out to the city, it was during winter, no heater, freaking cold, one bowl of noodles each person and nothing else.

    at least u guys were roaming around la..
    .-= lotsofcravings´s last blog ..El Toro @ ZhongXiao East Road, Taipei =-.

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