March 17, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Daniel Boulud, Wolfgang Puck, Santi Santamaria, Guy Savoy and Tetsuya Wakuda Coming Soon at Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Daniel Boulud, Wolfgang Puck, Santi Santamaria, Guy Savoy and Tetsuya Wakuda Coming Soon at Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Celebrity Chef Tetsuya Wakuda – Marina Bay Sands Singapore

It will be one of the most anticipated culinary haven experience awaits the food lovers and the foodies of the region. Well, I’m talking about celebrity chefs like Daniel Boulud, Wolfgang Puck, Santi Santamaria, Guy Savoy and Tetsuya Wakuda. Some of them are world top 50 best chefs and some are Michelin Guide ranked chefs owned restaurants. Altogether, it is like a dream team of celebrity chefs.

Celebrity Chef Santi Santamaria – Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Marina Bay Sands Singapore is not just a gaming destination but it will be a culinary haven. A food lover like me would love to travel down in the future once the restaurants are fully opened. It will be a great chance to taste the world class cuisine operated by world class chefs. How often are we able to travel to places like Spain, Australia and United States for restaurants like this?

Now, it’s all under one roof in Marina Bay Sands Singapore. This is one not to be missed!

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