Why I Am A Champion Like Wayne Rooney
Why I Am A Champion Like Wayne Rooney
My greatest gratitude to Tiger FC, GAB, Ogilvy PR for selecting me to participates the Tiger Beer Regional Online Influencer Challenge. The Grand Prize is an all expense paid trip to Manchester for the kickabout with England and Manchester United star, Wayne Rooney, a chance to dine and share a beer with him as well as a visit to Old Trafford Stadium to watch Manchester United league match at the Theater of Dreams.
Having been selected to take part of this challenge, I need to pick 10 team-mates that are going to help me in the challenge. I am still assembling the team and their profiles are as below.
Football is like the next big thing in Malaysia after badminton. Most Malaysian men watch football and after Beckham can bend those freekick, there are also growing of interest from Malaysian women I started my passion on the “most beautiful game on Earth” when I was in high school. Back then, we had to rely on newspaper and magazines for the latest rumours and gossips. There was once we were caught in school watching Copa America through a portable TV, we are die hard football fans. Now with internet, nothing could be easier.
Since then, I support local team Selangor FC , Liverpool, Malaysia, England and Japan. Few of my most amazing experiences were with my football buddies watching Selangor FC won the Malaysia Cup.
There is nothing beats the cheer and the roar of the crowd of a 80,000 people in the stadium.
Many might start to wonder, since I’m a Liverpool fan, why vote me to go to meet Wayne Rooney? Well, it’s simple. Most of the contestants are die hard, hardcore Man Utd fans. So for them to win or not, they will still pay their trip to go to Old Trafford. So why bother supporting them? Support an outsider that is more deserving; which is me!
I’m a huge England football fan influenced by my father. Meeting England’s best striker is my dream. We seen Wayne Rooney grew up to who he is now, a deadly striker. He is one of the most dangerous strikers in the world. And many Rooney fans might know this; he is from Liverpool and started from Everton.
I’m glad that Wayne Rooney is a beer lover like me. Though I can’t drink much but we have the same passion. Tiger Beer! Well, it’s great for Wayne Rooney to be the latest brand ambassador for Tiger Beer. I believe he is the best choice.
That’s why it’s a challenge for me. I believe it takes more than just courage to be a champion like Wayne Rooney. I believe to be a champion for this, I need you guys to comment on this blog post at the bottom of this post and be a champion yourself and make me a champion! Prove it here that we are better than the rest! Send me, a Liverpool fan to Old Trafford!!
Check Out my Why I am a Champion Like Wayne Rooney Video!! (*NEW* 21-8-10)
Sorry for the low res, my Live Movie Maker didn’t seems to work so I had to use the low res video I captured earlier on. Thanks for supporting.
Meeting up the REAL TIGER!! (*NEW* 23-8-10)
Not a big tiger but a cute little tiger which is still feeding on milk bottle. Tiger ROARS!!
Before I introduce my team mates let me show you the Social Media Spread of this post:
Transmy.com – Malaysia’s First Transformers Forum, as featured in various media such as TV, newspaper, online portal and magazine.
Story in front of the forum.
Entry posted on Aug 24th
AliveNotDead.com – Story spread
Entry posted on Aug 19th
LinkedIn.com – Professional Network Social Site
Entry posted on Aug 16th ang Aug 24th
Facebook.com- Tiger Beer Fan Page
Posted on the Tiger Beer Fan Page Wall
Digg.com – Social Media Network
Added on 21st August 2010
In.com– Video Sharing Website
Added on 23rd August 2010
Reddit.com – Social News Media Website.
StumbleUpon.com– Popular Social Media Website
Twitter.com – #Wilson4Rooney
Team mate constantly updating tweets related to #Wilson4Rooney
Cgbalu Daily- Twitter Social Media Website
So let me now introduce my team-mates that will help me to make this dream comes true and I will throw a Tiger Beer party for them, if I win!
Name: “Superwilson” Ng
Age: 32
Height: 168cm
Weight: ???
Position: Goalkeeper GK (CAPTAIN)
Fav. Team: Liverpool, Selangor FC, England, Japan
Fav. Player: Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerard, Robbie Fowler, Fernando Torres, Hidetoshi Nakata,Park Ji Sung
Profile: Video Producer of Focus Image, Travel Writer of PlacesAndFoods.com
Name: Joshua Ong
Age: ???
Height: 169cm
Weight: ???
Position: Central Defender CD
Fav. Team: Manchester United
Fav. Player: Wayne Rooney
Profile: Blogger
Twitter: www.twitter.com/joshuaongys
Blog: http://www.JoshuaOngys.com
Name: Jason Mumbles
Height: 182
Fav. Player: Paul Scholes, Giggs
Profile: Food Blogger and The Star Metro Journalist
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jasonmumbles
Blog: http://jasonmumbles.com/
Name: Yat Jenkin “Buayat”
Age: ??
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Position: Left Back
Fav. Team: ???
Fav. Player: ???
Profile: Nuffnang’s March Blogger of the Month
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jenkinyat
Blog: http://JenkinYat.com
Name: Wet Wet Water
Age: ??
Height: 167
Weight: ???
Position: Right Back
Fav. Team: Manchester United
Fav. Player: ???
Profile: Blogger of WetWetWater.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wetwetwater
Blog: http:// WetWetWater.blogspot.com
Name: Jun Jun Riko
Position: Central Midfield
Profile: Blogger
Twitter: www.twitter.com/junjunriko
Blog: http://JunJunRiko.com
Name: Fei Chong
Age: 32
Height: 169cm
Weight: ???
Position: Left Midfielder (Winger)
Fav. Team: ???
Fav. Player: ???
Profile: Manager/Designer/Founder of Hobbs Street Wear Boutique
Hobbs Street Wear Boutique
Lot 05-76,
5th Floor,
Berjaya Times Square
Name: C.Y.Wong (aka Astrosurge/Admin Prime)
Age: 32
Height: 175cm
Position: Right Midfielder (Winger)
Fav. Team: Cybertron’s Own
Fav. Player: None
Profile: Seasonal blogger @ Netmoirs of A Solemn Rover, founder of TransMY (Transformers fan group) & Fortelytics IMC (business).
Twitter: www.twitter.com/astrosurge & www.twitter.com/transmy
Blog/site: www.cywong.com, www.transmy.com, & www.fortelytics.com
Name: Rachel Ting
Position: Attacking Midfielder (Playmaker)
Profile: Banker, 4×4 Racer
Blog: http://PlacesAndFoods.com
Name: Wern Shen
Age: ??
Height: 180cm
Weight: ???
Position: Striker
Fav. Team: Newcastle
Fav. Player: Alan Shearer
Profile: Editor from Lowyat.net
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wernshen
Blog: http://blog.lowyat.net/wernshen/
Name: Chris Tock
Height: 166cm
Position: Striker
Fav. Team: Manchester United
Fav. Player: Edwin Van Der Sar
Profile: Social Media Networker
Twitter: www.twitter.com/spinzer
Please do check out their efforts in helping me out at the bottom of the post.
If I got to win, I will meet Wayne Rooney in Person in and out of the pitch. I want to see his moves with my own eyes, not from the TV set. I want to really see him weaves his magic!
So don’t try to be a “club-ist”, help me, vote me, comment on this post for a Liverpudian and an England fan like me to meet this guy, Wayne Rooney in UK.
So comment here and be a champion yourself like Wayne Rooney. Thanks for commenting and voting for me!
And also what will you like to ask Rooney for the “The Game Never Ends TVC” and win a signed merchandise from Wayne Rooney himself?
Ask your question below! And spread the love!
*Dream Team team mates & friends spreading the news*
Team mate, Jun Jun Riko decided to feature this competition on her blog at www.JunJunRiko.com (Updated 23-8-10)
A very HOT wallpaper she got! Awesomeness!
Team mate, CY Wong decided to pimp his featured this competition on his blog at www.cywong.com (Updated 23-8-10)
Awesome write up man!!
Fei Chong Pimps His Shop (Hobbs – 5th Floor at Berjaya Times Square)
Team mate Fei Chong decided to give a helping hand. Check out how he helps out.
Can you spot my poster? There, beside the shop’s sign.
My custom made poster is in the shop. I really appreciate the help.
Thanks Fei Chong for displaying my posters. Check out his ultra cool custom made hand painted caps at his boutique.
Hobbs Street Wear Boutique
Lot 05-76,
5th Floor,
Berjaya Times Square
you got my support! the champion! :p
Thanks a lot Ren, you are the first commenter!
Go wilson! I support u!
.-= xin´s last blog ..Lazy’s Men Dinner – Spaghetti with Tuna and Bacon =-.
Thanks Xin, it’s very nice of u.
GOOD LUCK!!! All the best to you and your team! XD
.-= Ceddy´s last blog ..The Break-In =-.
Thanks bad boy ceddy!
Ganbateh kudasai!
.-= Jackie Loi´s last blog ..Xrosbot Animation =-.
Arigato gozaimasu!
Cool! u as the goalkeeper and the captain…. best of luck! oh ya, ask him if with your team line-up got chance to play friendly match one ah?! XD
Well, if this team playing, we will rock it!
All the best to your team bro!!!
Goalie Mr Wilson!!
.-= Suresh´s last blog ..TM SME Biznet 2010 =-.
Thanks Suresh, thanks for dropping by to support!
woah ask him weather the england team can win next world cup XD
Thanks for the question!
hehehe why lah so competitive… if only we could share this prize.
.-= ericyong77´s last blog ..Why I Deserve to meet Wayne Rooney =-.
Sharing is caring my friend. We have to be competitive on this!
Wah nice post! Liverpool fan worrrr, support an outsider!
.-= Jonathan´s last blog ..Lazy & Busy! =-.
If only I could win, the rest of boys will be so jealous. Keep my fingers crossed.
Gogogo! Must at least send one of our people to Old Trafford wehhh! Good luck!
Yes, we must do it for the sake of our people! Thanks Bryan!
Hi Wilsonnnnn! Hehehe ya la ya la I can tell you really want to win this! Can u salsa with Rooney when you meet him?
Well, I’m not sure Rooney can salsa but even he knows is weird for 2 guys to dance salsa.
support! and i wonder why Rooney looked surprised at the end of the video..
Probably because he saw the Tiger Beers? Thanks bro!
GA YAO GA YAO!!!!! =D~*
.-= coco´s last blog .. =-.
Thanks Coco, haven’t seen u around. Kiss n Hugs.!!
SUPERWILSON you are a true champion. you have my vote!
Oh man! Thanks Tony Tiger! See u next month at my wedding!
Urm. Okaaaay i support ya.
Thanks AngelKein!
gogo! can gamfei!
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Chicken Ball Rice @ Malacca =-.
Thanks Jamie!
You definitely have my Vote and i need you get an autograph fm Rooney.
Hope to work with u and Sabah Tourism one day. We will meet in Sabah one day!
U need any sub players? Hahaha…
.-= wetwetwater´s last blog ..Back from a PAUSE =-.
U game for it?
Mexico is with you! I know you will do it!!!
Hey Adriana! Haven’t seen you since Cape Town- Buenos Aires. We should catch once you are free with your flight schedule. Hugs and kisses.
Team mate Wern Shen is cheering for the team. Let’s do this properly!
Good luck Wilson! It looks like it’ll be a pretty cool experience! (though I’m not really a football person)
I’d probably ask him why he looks so angry all the time
.-= Hsu Jen´s last blog ..Aw- You Make Me Blush =-.
Thanks Hsu Jen. Fingers crossed and hope I can win something from this.
I will ask him, if possible.
aiyoyo, how come so many question marks one?
.-= hitomi´s last blog ..B&W =-.
It means secret. Thanks Hitomi.
I will teach him how to score more goals wahahahaahha! Ok i kid, awesome team proud to be part of it!
Team mates finally cheer for the team. I appreciate it Chris. Thanks
go go go wilson!
.-= Yintse Su´s last blog ..Olivia Ong in MMU Cyberjaya =-.
Thanks Yintse. Are we going to meet up again one day?
WAH! Ada team list sommore wooo… so keng wooooo….
Me don’t have team yet… :p
Best man wins!
You can make it, go gooo go….
Love your support! Thanks guys!!
Support support. Go go champion!
Thanks Wei Sim, hope for the best
You have got lots of non-footballer here…
You sure you want to play?
Anyway, my support for your team! Go kick some balls guys/girlz! ^.^
.-= Shinky´s last blog ..Shana Steals My Him Heang Biscuit =-.
Thanks Shinky. We got a different ball game here. If u know what I mean!
I’m sure there’s room for me in the subs right? right?…
Anyway, I am sure Rooney wouldn’t be able to focus and play well with Jun Jun Riko and Rachel Ting playing in midfield
So good luck and win! And Jason you owe me a big dinner if you make it through!
Now, u understand why the goalie always like to go to the front, especially during corner kicks.
Just don’t get yourself bashed up at Old Trafford. Here’s my vote.
Thanks Lemongrass. I won’t be wearing a Liverpool jersey to go there.
Cool and great experience! Good Luck to you ^^
Thanks HP
pack me in ur suitcase pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
.-= missmynx´s last blog ..Perfect =-.
Cannot cause you are fat. Joking, joking.
whatever it is, you have my vote!!!! i’m such a true friend :-p
.-= missmynx´s last blog ..Perfect =-.
Yes, you always are. Thanks missmynx
One vote from me! Goal………..go to Old Trafford
Thanks Francis. See u soon.
Another vote goes to my team!
Well, another few days only! Let’s go!
Go Wilson!!!!!!!
I hope you win coz Theater of Dreams is everyone’s dream. Hehe
.-= Che-Cheh´s last blog ..The Return Of Hannibal Lecter’s Dog – Take Two =-.
Thanks Che-Cheh. Very nice of you.
may lady luck shines upon you! And I want a pint of Tiger Beer too if you win!
Thanks for the advise. I do need lots of luck to win any prizes of this.
You should have come for the free beer the other day.
Whoa Wilson, you have Malaysia Asia’s support for you and your dream team. All the way buddy, you deserve to win this!
.-= David @ Malaysia Asia´s last blog ..Melaka Trishaw Ride – Picture of the Week =-.
Yeah thanks David. Remember the gifts from Krabi as well.
Old Trafford is awesome~must go! =D
I know you went there before Andy. Thanks for supporting!
U sure win la!!! win win win!!! hahahahahaha!!!
Thanks Jun Jun Riko
support my cousin
Thanks my lovely cousin
oh my brother!You have my vote!You have been a soccer fan for long time, hope you can win this!
Nothing is better than a comment from my younger brother from Los Angeles. He is a 3D modeler for Hollywood films such as Hulk, 2012, Benjamin Button and Wolverine. Thanks for the comment, bro. See you soon.
He’s profile at http://www.chunseong.com
Great effort by a tough competitor. Good luck bro. May the best man win
I’m going all out to compete with u and the rest. Thanks for dropping by!
Erm, May you win with flying colors!
Best of luck!
Oh miss this one. Thanks Yen. Gracias!
Another vote for my team!
Thanks mr. foodie / team mate
All the best guys..
Thanks Bell.
dude, make sure u ask rooney how coleen manage to stop his “ball” into her goal post… ;p
u got my support, bro!!! good luck!!!
That’s a tricky question Ethan. Good one!
All the best and hope you win!!
.-= Suzette´s last blog ..Long Overdue Book Collection Post =-.
Thanks Suzette!
Thanks Aelly, cheers!
Support U!
Whooaaa…First time in history a Liverpolian Captain leading a Team of Manchesterians!
Show them Unity! Give ’em 1 Malaysia! Show them YOU are the TIGER from Malaysia! Roar..hahaha
All the best buddy!
Thanks Kevin, will review your boutique hotel one day. Thanks again.
Anytime Wilson. No obligation.
It’s a private service apartment by the way..we’re just managing the property for the owners.
Go go go …. ale ale ale …. go go go …. I’m here to support you man …
.-= email2me´s last blog ..O’Brien Irish Sandwich =-.
Thanks Ken Chan. Ole!
This team is a sure win team! *LIKE*!
Thanks Yong! Thanks for “LIKE”. LOL
Best of luck dude
Thanks Kai en. Hope I can win something from this.
Another vote? Amazing! thanks!
Good luck!
One vote for your team.
Thanks Fattien!
Support!! Wish you all the best!!
Another vote?
You have my vote!!
Thank you.
All the best!! Good Luck ya
Thanks for voting Cynthia
Go Go Go… All the best
Another vote from my younger brother. Lovely.
yoyo,gogogo, i am here to support you
Thanks Cie Wei, see u in office.
All da best!
Thanks Su Ting, sorry as the chinese character didn’t appear.
Interesting team you have there
hope you win.
p/s: i need some free Tiger beer lol
.-= PinkPorkChop´s last blog ..An Ideal Holiday =-.
Thanks Pink Pork Chop. Hey, aren’t they your clients. Can’t u get ir free?
Give you 100% support! Brother! Well Done for this job! I like your poster! Looks Smart!
Thanks dermin. Let me know when are u going to let me write in your magazine.
I want to ask Wayne Rooney, “What’s your favourite English football club when you’re just a child?”
.-= Simon Seow´s last blog ..?? =-.
Thanks Simon Seow.
Candice, see you in the next Matta Fair. Thanks babe
Though not into football, but all the very best to you people yeah. Way to go.
Love that spirit! Thanks Allison for the support!
Fuyoh! Nice one.. I love MU!
Good luck yo
.-= Jing-leBelle´s last blog ..Dinner at Restaurant SKT =-.
What a cute name Jing-leBelle! Thanks babe!
good luck bro, hope you can make it.
Thanks John, haven’t seen u since AXE party!
All the best competing with bloggers around the world =D
.-= TianChad´s last blog ..Two New Pair of Shoes!! Black & Yellow – the New In! =-.
Tian Chad, it’s just Asia. Not around the world.
You got my support too !!! Cheers.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Attacking the Streets has Become a Routine =-.
Thanks Robin. May the force be with you.
Good Luck!!!
.-= May´s last blog ..Haegan Dazs New Creation =-.
Thanks May. Really need the luck now.
Go go go…… Support u~!~!
Good luck
Thanks Laney for the support! Thank you!
Go Wilson! No worries! U sure will win! My prayer goes to you and your team! pssstt if you need “pom pom girl” let me know. i’ll be happy to cheer for you for FREE! Hahahahaha….
Thanks Intan. We will definitely need a “pom pom” girl. LOL!
Good Luck, Jason!!….Keep it rolling…Support!…
Comes here to support team mate Jason. Thanks a bunch!
Go go go!
Thanks angel
good luck Wilson! hope u make it! Chris and I will support you
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Nasi Lemak Panas Gerai Yati & Suri @ Selera Jaya 223 =-.
Should make it 2 votes yeah, since you and Chris. Thanks a lot!
It’s a great team you have! Support x1000!!
.-= Pek Chek Kia´s last blog ..??????? =-.
Wah u very pek chek! LOL! Thanks for the 1000 support !!
wah lau eh !
you guys like siao kia.
rock on !
keep up the good work !
hahaha !
Thank you Morgan, take care in Penang.
Good Luck!
Please visit http://www.prime-properties.blogspot.com for Kuala Lumpur Prime Properties news and listings.
Thanks MIMI Chai.
now keep it on and move forward~!!!! attack and shoot~!!!!!
It’s going to be a close fight for this! 2 more days!
We’re friends and i still support you as well as my competitor. You have a great post! Keep up the good work by seeking wht you wanan achieve in the end.
I can see you effort, emotions and all in this. Hope you get the beer party. Cause I disagree you by winning the prize to meet Wayne.
Jason from http://bit.ly/MYtigerJO
Well, I want the beer party for my team mates!
go break a leg!
Break a leg? Lol. Good one Ally, thanks!
Bro, leaving my mark here to show my support for you in this campaign. make win and dont forget to throw a party to celebrate your win.
Thanks Charlie Chia and also letting know about the issues of IE. Solved now.
Good Luck!
way to go man! ask him how we can make our teams better !
Thanks Stephen! Ask the rest to help out also bro!
Hey hey Wilson!
Ah I see Rachel is attacking midfielder – So APT!! LOL!
You have my full support! It would be a refreshing twist and interesting change for the general public / footie fans to have a Liverpool fan meet Wayne, instead of a typical gushing Man U fan ;-P
I reckon the organizers/sponsors would get a bigger bang for their buck too
Anyways, all the best for wedding prep & here’s to being a champion like Wayne. Go win it “tiger!” ^-^
(Where’s Tony? Tell him to share his title with you for a while ya)
I’m asking Tony to help out also. Trying to get him now!
Thanks for the help. We talk more about BALI soon.
All the best wilson ^^
Then aft this hopefully u can celebrate at MBS ba! :p
Should have meet u in Singapore during the Marina Bay Sands opening. See u again somewhere. Till then, thanks!
This is what we call 1Malaysia… makan bola, tidur bola & main bola.. i also play football but… ps 2 only la XP
Thanks FEEQ. Really generous of u dropping by to support. Thanks bro. 1Malaysia!!
I’m here to support my brother!!!
Thanks Kai!!! Keep it rolling !!
OLe ole ole ole~ SUPPORT U!!!!! GOGOGOGO!!!!
Thanks ZERO~~~~ Ole ole
God bless you, keep it on.
Thanks Ah Yap!
Good luck!
Thanks Jinz
A super vote from me to Jason, Super Wilson and the rest of the team …
All the best!
PS: Win it so that I get a Tiger too! =D
Sorry for missing out for previous event. Thank you so much for supporting kelly. Muaks.
i’ve been to old trafford three years ago. and it was awesome! so i hope you guys win this thing
good luck!
.-= zthon´s last blog ..sigh =-.
Lucky zthon! See how this turn how to be mate. Thanks
cheer up bro!
Thanks Gab. Cheering up now
I dont watch alot of soccer/football..but dont mind abit of drinks & party once in a while!! showing my support..dont forget to share your winning if u win..ganbateh!
How to share? Thanks anyways.
Didn’t know u moved to near my office. Thanks bro
I’ll support you…..
my son always MU…he..he..fight with the father..(Arsenal….)
Thanks Mas. Heard so much of u and thanks for always dropping by for support.
Goal for you!!!
Thanks Nic
thanks for supporting jason
I support you, Wilson u must win…
Thanks Angel, u are marvelous. After didn’t see u such a long time all this years. Thanks
A question for Wayne Rooney – “Which is the best goal you scored?”
A good question Kang Wei. Hope u can win something from this question. Thanks
Hello Bro…
Support u all the way….
thanks chick peng, sorry got no time to see ur kid yet.
Am here showing my SUPPORT!!
Happy belated birthday my dear. Thanks for showing support.
Woo hooo… .!! GO GO GO super wilson.. we are all rooting for u;p
Thanks Lena, we shall salsa soon.
Ole…ole…ole…. Wilson Boleh……… Sure can win lah! Want extra player? My daughter is Malaysia under 15 soccer player. She plays your position “Goalkeeper”. Maybe she can stand behind the gold post to support you. Wakakakaka….
Thanks Shila. Rachel must have bugged u to come here. Thanks
all the best!
see u in salsa session, thanks
Go go go Wilson
Thanks a liverpool fan like u voted for me. Thanks
Awesome! Good luck, Wil!
U shud ask the whole Bonuslink office to support me. Thanks dear
Go go go and make it hot Wilson!
Go Rachel and Wern Shern too!
Tottenham til i die!
Come on you spurs!
Another voter from HSBC. Thanks dear
i don’t like beer.
i don’t watch soccer. But i will support…
Long time no see Kam, thanks for the comments. Send my regard to our friend.
Hello William, you’ve my support! And I want a pic of Rooney pls^^
– MU fans
LOL its Wilson, thanks anyways
You’ve got my vote mate!
U shud ask Alice George to vote me also. TQ
GAMBATE!!!! OLE!!!!! ADD OIL!!! ADD OIL!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks bro. Still interested with ur Dubai pictures
SUPPORT! That’s it right? More support
.-= Cayenne´s last blog ..Bloggers Photoshoot at Sunday Studio =-.
Thanks hottie. Hope to meet u one day
Thanks King Mang. Sorry for to hear about the whole episode. I will talk to him once hes back.
I’m not a fan of football but you got my sincere support on winning!
Good luck and all the best! Cheers! =)
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Monday- August 16- 2010 =-.
Thanks Nicole!! Lovely!
You deserve to be the champ! Best of luck!
Thanks my dear sis in law. Happy belated bday!!
You have my support! All the best.
Thanks MR BEST Man. Take care in Bangkok
Will Support Jun Jun Riko. Go Go GO!!
Thanks Vincent
One vote for Jason and his team mates!
Another Jason’s friend. Thanks
good luck! you have my support XD
.-= copykate´s last blog ..Piccadilly @ SS2 =-.
Happy birthday Kate! Thanks
WOW. team members strong also!
all the best guys!
Most of the Lan Si gang is here XD
.-= Ren´s last blog ..Back from UK =-.
Go go go!
Thanks junjun.libra
No lansi gang la, don’t say like. Just say we exclusive, thanks
Will Support Jun Jun Riko.. Go Go Go.
Thanks for supporting JJR!!
Good luck man!
Had a great time on ur wedding. Thanks bro
Way to go~!!!
Thanks my future sis in law.
support support !!
must win !!! yeahh yeahhh ale ale ale ~
Thanks for making rachel so pretty during our pre wedding shoot. Amazing!
Kalau menang kena banje aku…good luck mate….kekekekeke
A Transmyian! Thanks bro 4 supporting.
U have a dream team there! Good job! I hope you’ll win
A famous foodie comments here. Im humbled. Thanks dear. See u 2 soon.
Rachel will make a playa out of all of you boys…
Hope you win!
Yup. Coz Rachel is the playmaker. Thanks for the comments Mr. Frat Mustard.
One more vote for Jason!
Thanks Sanjev for voting for Jason
Not bad, the usual MU gang is also there wor… lotsa effort to put this post.
Thanks Daniel ctw
hahaha..so kiut ure team
The team cute or me cute? LOL. Thank Ginny.
WHOA! U got a whole team ready! Hope you win!
Me wants souvenir!
LOL. I want souvenir from MAS also. Can can? Thanks babe!
U r the best~~~!!! I SUPPORT~~~
OMG!!! Nose bleed hot doctor. Will pass u the New York pictures soon. Thanks doctor!
go wilson! i support u too!
p/s: buy me souvenir!
OH! thanks Chai. Loved ur wedding lunch the other time.
if there is someone who could win this outright without the help of any friends/supporters/fans… it will have to be Wilson.
No doubt about it.
Come on Fans and supporters of Wilson – SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!
.-= ericyong77´s last blog ..The Truth – the other part of the story =-.
We only hours away from the deadline of the competition. Stress level up!
All the best Wilson, may the best man wins!
The founder of Transmy! Thanks bro!
support from the world’s not so local bank!
I assume u r from HSBC. Thanks for supporting us
Aloha, Wilson, Add oil! Great blog! I like the picture of the small tiger. Hope you and the team win, and buy me a tiger beer k. Go get them!
Since when u like beer. I tot u enjoy more of pina colada in Hawaii babe! Thanks
all the best!!!..woohooo!!
I enjoyed our time at Marina Bay Sands singapore. Thanks babe
I ain’t no fan of EPL, but hey, I’m a fan of you Wilson!!! I SUPPORT YOU! ^^ Woooohooooo!!
Didn’t u go to Russia. All the best bro. Thanks
Good luck. TransMy represent!
Salute to Transmyian
Another vote!
Chill bro, chill!!
I want to win this thing!
Well, me too bro, me too! Let’s hope for the best!
Support support Wilson!
.-= Princess Cheryl´s last blog ..Women as explained by engineers =-.
Thanks travel blogger.
win this thing damn it!! I am freaking thirsty =)
Yes my dear wife! We shall win it!
go go go..go win it
Thanks mr Singapore airliner!
You better win, bitch! Haha! (; Kudos!
Thanks Jose
One vote over here. All the best to your team!
.-= Chong´s last blog ..Lunch At 486 Baba Low’s- Bangsar =-.
Thanks Chong!
Thank you all of you all for the amazing comments. I really appreciate the patience with me for the whole week. I hope we can win something for all of u all here.
Till All Are ONE!!
Wilson NG
Congratulations on your success, looking forward to seeing your next moves – glad I found your blog.Thank you.

Internet Marketing Nottingham
Wow… If you don’t win this, I don’t who the hell will. Really good job.
Make sure you tell Rooney you’re a Liverpool fan, though. You were pretty gung-ho about that during the briefing, right? =P See how he reacts.
All the best!
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