March 18, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Bird’s Nest and Shark Fins Soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 , Hatyai, THAILAND

Bird’s Nest and Shark Fins Soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 , Hatyai, THAILAND

I still remember my first trip to Bangkok in 1999 with my family. On top of the shopping and the tourist attractions we went, we were brought to try out the famous delicacies of Thailand. It was the bird’s nest and shark fins soup.

Busses loaded with tourist flocked to the restaurant to try out both traditional Chinese delicacies. As believed, bird nest soup is very nutritious and Thailand has the most affordable prices in the region. For shark fins soup, traditionally during the olden days only the riches can afford such delicacy. With the tradition pass on, shark fins soup is still remains popular with Asians despite many protested on the inhumane of the killings of the sharks for its fins.

Our recent trip to Hatyai this year brought us back to memory lane. We have not been patronizing any bird nest restaurants in Thailand for years and we took the opportunity to try it out in Hatyai.
Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
We went to the Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 which is located at the city center of Hatyai. It is located near Lee Gardens Hotel and Novotel Centara Hotel.

It is a typical restaurant in Hatyai, non air conditioned, bright lights and friendly waiters.
Raw bird's nest at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
There we spotted raw bird nests packed in huge plastic bags. A plastic bag with raw bird nests like that can easily fetch a few thousand US dollars. This was the “home-made bird nests”, collected from designated bird nest farms.
Bird's nest soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
We ordered a bowl of bird’s nest first. They have many ranges from as low as 200 Thai Baht (RM 20 / US$6) and above. We ordered a medium range (with higher quality bird’s nest). Bird’s nest is believed to be health beneficial to the female gender.
Shark Fins soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
Then, we ordered the unpopular shark fins soup. The soup came with a huge sizzling claypot. They used small pieces of shark fins (as a whole). In Malaysia, most restaurants serve processed shark fins which are usually translucent in colour.
Shark Fins soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
Shark fins can be cooked in many styles and used with different broths. At Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 , they served the shark fins with beansprout, spring onion and parsley. That was definitely different than the ones we had in Malaysia. Most people would compliments shark fin soup with dark vinegar but I would prefer to compliment the soup with mustard. Try it with mustard, you will love it!
Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩
Our little foodie adventure at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 , didn’t burn a hole in our pockets.  That’s why bird’s nest and shark fins soup in Thailand remain popular to many Asian tourists. If you are particular with shark fins, you still can try out the bird’s nest soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 .

Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 Address and Contact:

122, 124, Nipatutid 3 Road, Hadyai Songkhla 90110

Tel: (074) 237565, 351719


0 thoughts on “Bird’s Nest and Shark Fins Soup at Golden City Bird’s Nest, รังนกสยาม, 金城燕窩 , Hatyai, THAILAND

  1. Seriously… Shark fin soup! Do you realize how bad this is for our oceans and the whole food chain? Please, before you eat an other bowl, do a little research and perhaps post what it does to the delicate nature of our environment (not to mention the sharks).

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