Quick Bites for TravelThreeSixty Magazine January 2013
Quick Bites for TravelThreeSixty Magazine January 2013
Happy New Year 2013 everyone! 2012 was an interesting year for us as we didn’t travel as frequent as before. So far it has been a great year (for the past two days) and we will be traveling to China tomorrow for our first holiday of the year. We will be off to Nanning and I will be going to Hong Kong later this month so do expect many great stories to come!
If you are traveling with Air Asia this month, do read the Travel Three Sixty Magazine, their inflight magazine as we wrote a few stories on their Quick Bites section. This is our first time contributing stories for them and it is fun.
I hope you like the stories and thank you for supporting us. Have an awesome 2013 because you guys are awesome!
You can also read online at http://www.airasia.com/travel3sixty/magazines
Happy New Year to you too Meitzeu.