Emirates Air Free First Class Tickets Facebook Contest Is a Hoax
Emirates Air Free First Class Tickets Facebook Contest Is a Hoax
There are many contests in Facebook but not every one of it is real. Recently, many people share, like and comment at this Facebook contest by Emirates Air. Facebook Page. The contest criteria are as below:
Yes we did it and in timely fashion we achieved our 9 Month goal of 200 million customers! Now with the goal completed we are giving away 480 Free first class tickets to anywhere in the world with $4,500 spending money..
You Must Complete The Following:
1. SHARE this photo!
2. Like This Page
3. Comment Thank You.
The 480 winners will be contacted on September 9 2015 Via our Fanpage
Good Luck,
However, that Facebook Page is a fake and the contest is a hoax.

Yes, the Facebook Page is a fake and it is obvious that the page is trying to garner as many likes as possible in a short time. The reason is to change the name and sell it to a buyer.
The Fake Facebook Page address is at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Emirates-Air/1479434465693681, there is a dot behind the air and 2000 followers for an official airline is too low.
We checked on Facebook and this is the REAL Facebook Page for Emirates Air with over 4 million followers. The real Facebook Page is at https://www.facebook.com/Emirates

Thus, even though they didn’t put up a statement on the Emirates Air Free First Class Tickets Facebook Contest but they did reply on comments to deny the authenticity of the contest.
We all love to travel but on social media there are too many scams and hoax. Please check the page and content properly before sharing it. There are no such things as free lunch in this world.
Please follow our Instagram at https://instagram.com/placesandfoods and our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/placesandfoodspage They are real and please follow!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
lol, that is one of the marketing strategy I saw back in 2012 while I am researching on something. people still use it until today, guess old tricks still works.