How to buy train ticket in CDG Airport Paris?
How to buy train ticket in CDG Airport Paris?
The main reason we write about this as we had the same issue when we traveled to CDG Airport Paris for the first time. CDG Airport Paris is a beautiful airport and when you exit the immigration, you will be at the train station and that is where the confusion starts?
Dozens of first time travelers like us were confused and walked around to find where to purchase train tickets to the city. Thus, there were train ticket machines as well as train office with manned officers. For the train office, the queue was long so we were looking for alternatives.
Lucky for us, there was an old French couple who helped us. Somehow without knowing French, we understand their good hearted intention as they were teaching us to purchase the train ticket to Paris.
So how to buy train tickets in CDG Airport Paris?
Instead going to queue at the train office, just visit the green train ticket machines (for city). It is a touch screen machine and just click English (British Icon) and just purchase the tickets where you intend to go.
You will get the small ticket and you are good to catch the trains. Please take note that we were at CDG 2 train station and you can the trains too at CDG 1 and CDG 3. We sat the train from CDG2 to Gare Du Nord Station in Paris before switching trains to our accommodation in Paris.
It is that simple! However, visiting Paris for the first time and without much signs in English simply confused us. Thus, we hope this short story will help you on your upcoming travel to CDG Airport Paris.
Travel tips if you traveling to CDG Airport Paris for the first time….
RT @PlacesAndFoods: Travel tips if you traveling to CDG Airport Paris for the first time….
How to buy train ticket in CDG Airport Paris?: How to buy train ticket in CDG Airport Paris?
The main reason w…
How to buy train ticket in CDG Airport Paris?