Travel To Australia To Catch Pokemon Now with Pokemon Go!
Travel To Australia To Catch Pokemon Now with Pokemon Go!
This is your real chance to be a REAL Pokemon Master now. Not with your Gameboy but Real Pokemon Master. With the new app Pokemon Go, you can catch Pokemon in actual locations (sync with Google Map). This is as real as it can be!
Pokemon Go is officially released in Australia and New Zealand so the rest of the whole have to wait. However, you can still install the game but you won’t find any Pokemon until they released it in your country.
Our friends in Australia have been busy finding and catching Pokemon all over Australia and they are not easy to catch! Thus, if you are a huge fan of Pokemon and a real feel to be a Pokemon Master, go to Australia now (New Zealand too far and expensive) and catch ‘em all.

Pokemon Go is one of the most innovative games for 2016 and we hope they will start to release it in Asia soon especially in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
If you are playing the game, please be aware of your surrounding and play safe! We hope you can catch as many Pokemon as you can in Australia. Happy hunting in Australia!
Travel To Australia To Catch Pokemon Now with Pokemon Go!
Travel To Australia To Catch Pokemon Now with Pokemon Go!: Travel To Australia To Catch Pokemon Now with Poke…
Now another reason to go to Australia, catch Pokemon!…