Sony RX 10 II Action Shots at House of Dancing Water in Macau
Sony RX 10 II Action Shots at House of Dancing Water in Macau
When I switched from DSLR to mirror-less, many people were surprised. Is the quality of mirror-less good enough for blogging? After a few years of handing various mirror-less cameras, I switched to Sony RX 10 II for more than one year ago. Sony RX II is a fixed lens camera and it is a very ideal travel camera.

There are a few key features of Sony RX II, it can zoom up to 200mm, it can go as fast as 1/32000 shutter speed, record 4k video and super slow motion video of 1000fps (for 2 seconds).

Let me show you some of the shots I took at the House of Dancing Water show in Macau. These are action shots so I need to zoom in and took multiple high speed shuttle shots.

When people doubt the usage of function of high shuttle speed capabilities, this is the reason why Sony RX II is so useful and important.

Please take note there are minimal edits on the photos in terms of brightness and contracts, colours and levels to make it look better. We don’t over edit our images.

I understand that there are two new Sony RX series in the market, the Sony RX 100 V and Sony RX 10 III with higher zoom capability than mark II. However, the Sony RX II is available in the market and it is still a good travel camera option. For info on the camera, read
For more stories about our experiences in Macau, you can read at HERE and House of Dancing of Water here.