How to open and clean sea urchin for uni sashimi?
How to open and clean sea urchin for uni sashimi?
Are you a big fan of Uni Sashimi? Uni simply means sea urchin in Japanese and Uni Sashimi is one of exquisite sashimi in Japanese restaurant. The Japanese uni sashimi is popular with its unique taste and also quality too. However, have you ever wonder how they open and clean the sea urchin for uni sashimi?

You probably spotted live sea urchin in open sea when you go for diving or snorkelling. There are almost everywhere and usually near the beaches and once you step or accidentally hit them, it is always a memorable experience.

On our recent trip to Hobart Tasmania, sea urchin or uni sashimi is part of our meal. This is part of the Pennicott Wilderness Journey’s Tasmania Seafood Seduction cruise. This is a day cruise from Hobart and you get to eat fresh and live seafood like oysters, crayfish, salmon, sea urchin and abalones.
There are two guides for the Tasmania Seafood Seduction Cruise. One of them will take turn to dive into the sea and get the wild sea urchin and abalone. Since it was a small group, they collected a couple of wild sea urchins and they open and clean it up for us.

So how do you open and clean the sea urchin for uni sashimi? Well, just watch the video below.
The Tasmanian sea urchin doesn’t have ‘much meat’ compare to the Japanese sea urchin. However, since it is as fresh as we can get, the taste is pretty good.

If you love sea urchin, you can ask always ask them to collect more from the sea. This is all you can eat seafood cruise. The Pennicott’s Tasmania Seafood Seduction Cruise is not cheap though, it is A$685 per person. Remember, you will be served fresh salmon, oysters, sea urchin, crayfish, abalones, wines and spirits. This all are included in the Seafood Seduction Cruise.

This is one of the most luxurious day cruise you can find in Australia and you can book it via at
Review after your trip with, get free credits for your next trip with them. This Tasmania Seafood Seduction Cruise is a must do once in your lifetime.
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