March 6, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Restoran Hong Sang Taman Muda Cheras Chinese Mixed Rice

Restoran Hong Sang Taman Muda Cheras Chinese Mixed Rice

Remember we blogged about the Chinese mixed rice in Taman Muda years ago. It was at Restoran Hong Sin in Taman Muda and they offer more than 100 dishes in any day. They are located at Jalan Bunga Tanjung 10 in Taman Muda or better known as Taman Muda Glutton Street or ‘wai sek kai’. The Chinese mixed rice or ‘chap fan’ is very popular for lunches and dinners among the locals in the neighbourhood.

hong sin mixed rice large

There used to be a couple of big Chinese mixed rice stalls in Jalan Bunga Tanjung 10, Taman Muda. Now, it is only left a few huge Chinese mixed rice stalls. Most of them converted to smaller stalls. Times have changed and Chinese mixed rice stalls are struggling with the rise of food cost and food materials due to inflation in the past few years. With the opening of more food outlets in Klang Valley, food business is getting tougher.

restoran hong sang taman muda

Restoran Hong Sin changed name to Restoran Hong Sang during our recent visit. Even the food choices reduced significantly than it used to be. Customers also lesser compare to back then.

restoran hong sang mixed rice

Chinese mix rice is no longer cheap and this is the same at Restoran Hong Sang. One plate of rice with a few choices of meat and vegetables can easily cost more than RM 10. Many prefer to choose noodles as it is cheaper as it cost around RM 6 per plate.

restoran hong sang chap fan

Overall, the food in Restoran Hong Sang is still good, still pricey and lesser choices than it used to be. Compare to other Chinese mixed rice stall, the food selection in Restoran Hong Sang is still glorious.

Restoran Hong Sang Address:

Jalan Bunga Tanjung 10 (Taman Muda), Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur 56100

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