Malaysia Is the Top Country For Long Stay for Japanese 13 Years in A Row
Malaysia Is the Top Country For Long Stay for Japanese 13 Years in A Row
Today, I am going to share a very unique story about Malaysia. Malaysia celebrates the 63rd Hari Merdeka (Independence Day) and let’s talk about our amazing country, Malaysia. Do you know that Malaysia Is the Top Country For Long Stay for Japanese 13 Years in A Row.
While there are still Malaysians who want to migrate to other countries, Japanese prefer Malaysia as the number one country for long stay for 13 years in a row.
According to Tokyo TV, there are 24,000 Japanese lives in Malaysia and most Japanese applied the ‘Malaysia Second Home’ program to stay here. A Japanese couple who migrated to Kuala Lumpur a couple of years ago stayed in a 380 square meter house with the rent of 126,000 Yen. They also mentioned that there are many Japanese ingredients in the supermarket and meeting up with many other Japanese in KL. The cost of living for them in KL is 250,000 yen for a couple and that can be covered by their pension.
There are also other testimonies by Japanese who choose to stay and live in Malaysia and you can read it at
I travelled to many countries around Asia and around the world. It is true that there are many beautiful and amazing countries for holiday but not for long term stay.
We have really amazing food in Malaysia and staying and living here is still affordable and manageable. We also have a unique blend of culture and races in this country and every time when I tell people I am Malaysian, there will be lots of questions thrown to me.
While we always think that the grass is always greener on the other side, do we really evaluate and look at the positive side of our country. There are many great reasons why Malaysia Is the Top Country For Long Stay for Japanese 13 Years in A Row. If the Japanese can see it, we should open our eyes to discover the beauty of our country, Malaysia. Selamat Hari Merdeka 63 negaraku Malaysia. Bangga menjadi Anak Malaysia!
That is why I always say that Malaysia is the best place to live, work, settle down and grow old.