March 31, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich

Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich

This is only available in selected places in Japan and this is not sold at Kinokuniya Stores in Malaysia. This is Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich and it is available at selected places around Japan. We purchased this in one of the highways stop during our day trip from Tokyo to Nikko.

kinokuniya ground kurobuta pork cutlet sandwich

Kurobuta in Japanese means Japanese breed ‘Black Pig’ which offer premium meat compare to the usual pork.

If you are interested about the Tokyo Nikko Day trip, you can watch the Youtube video below.

The Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich is priced at 410 Yen each box and there are also variants of Shrimp Sandwich and Pork Sandwich.

The thing about Japanese take away food is their packaging. Once you open the Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich box, you will see the information of the ingredient with hand towel inside.

kinokuniya ground kurobuta pork cutlet sandwich box

This is how Japanese offer their product, you get to read the information of the food you eat and they also packed the sandwich nicely with plastic wrapper.

kinokuniya ground kurobuta pork cutlet

It comes with three pieces of Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich. Each beautifully cut and packed.

We bought in the morning and had it in the late afternoon so the sandwich is already soft. The bread is soft while the ground kurobuta pork cutlet is soft in texture. If we had it fresh, maybe we still can feel the crunchy crust but overall it is soft in texture and we enjoyed it.

kinokuniya ground kurobuta pork cutlet review

For more information, please visit their website at: This is something unique we experience in Japan as you don’t expect Kinokuniya offers pork sandwich as part of the business.

We are unsure whether we can travel in 2021 even though there are plans to visit Japan this year. We just have to wait and see depending on the situation right now. We won’t be traveling until it is safe to do so. We have to take care of ourselves right now. Be safe and take care if you are reading this. Kita jaga kita.

This is Kinokuniya Ground Kurobuta Pork Cutlet Sandwich. Read all our stories about Japan at

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