March 2, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Food at MAEPS Serdang Selangor

With request of my friends, it is time to share most of the food they offer at MAEPS Serdang Selangor. I was at MAEPS Serdang for twelve days due to COVID-19 and sadly I didn’t take most of the food I had as I was not feeling well most of the time. At MAEPS Serdang, they offer three meals a day and everyone get breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Before I enter MAEPS Serdang, I read about all the horrible things about the place especially the food. Most of the food served are Malay food and the quality of the food is horrible. Since I am in MAEPS Serdang for twelve days, let me share the most of the food they offer for the past twelve days.

Please take note that I was at the MAEPS Serdang Hall C for eleven days and this is for most COVID-19 patients for recovery. Severe patients will be stationed in Hall B and moved to Hall C for recovery.

Every day at MAEPS Serdang, there are three meals. Breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 12 pm and dinner at 8 pm. They usually distribute mineral water and various fruits twice a day. If you miss the mineral water, there are filtered water in MAEPS Serdang.

I lost my smell and taste buds for 10 days so I didn’t really eat much during that period of time and hence I can’t give you a proper review of their food.

The food at MAEPS Serdang Selangor are sourced from a few caterers/restaurants. I think that is a good practice so there is no hanky panky and it is fair to caterers or restaurants.

Most of the people will get the same food except special conditions like some patient have high sugar blood level or other complications, there will be special arranged with less salt or less sweet. As you can see, the doctors at MAEPS Serdang Selangor will customized the food for your need.

Breakfast are usually simple meal or food such as nasi lemak, mee hoon, mee siam, mee goreng or fried kuey teow.

maeps serdang mee goreng
Mee Goreng
maeps serdang mee siam
Mee Siam - this is my favourite

I always look forward for the breakfast as most of the meals are pretty decent and I love the fried kuey teow (not pictured).

maeps serdang mi goreng
Another version of mee goreng
maeps serdang mihun goreng
Mi Hoon with egg
maeps serdang nasi lemak
Nasi lemak with crunchy ikan bilis, peanuts and sambal

Lunch and dinner meals are usually the same portion. There will be rice, chicken or fish, vegetables with gravy or soup.

As you can see from the photos, not all food are Malay food. They are some variations like steam fish, steam chicken and more. Most of the food is pretty decent in taste and portion except one particular restaurant food is below average but we can’t complain much.

maeps serdang nasi ikan tenggiri
Rice with curry fish
maeps serdang nasi ikan tenggiri steam
Rice with Steam Fish - taste is not so nice but it is decent
maeps serdang nasi ayam bakar
Nasi with grilled chicken - this is really tasty
maeps serdang nasi ayam
Rice with steamed chicken, decent taste and good effort
maeps serdang nasi ikan bakar
Nasi with fried fish with sambal, no complaints
maeps serdang ayam goreng berempah
Nasi with fried chicken, this is my favourite
maeps serdang ayam masak merah
Rice with ayam masak merah - this is one of my favourite
maeps serdang grilled chicken rice
Chicken Rice - this is really good

The portion of the meat depends on your luck and if you are hungry, there will be fruits but I hardly see people taking two meals as most people lost their smell and taste buds. Saying that, I noticed there are some people really loves staying at MAEPS Serdang as if they are on holiday. There are some hardcore poor people inside MAEPS Serdang and they are really grateful to have three meals a day with a proper bed fully air conditioned 24/7.

If you read people complaining about food at MAEPS Serdang, I believed they have improved the food. I won’t be complaining about the food as these are free of charge. If they are going to use tax payers money for MAEPS Serdang, I think they did quite a good job especially for the food.

Remember, MAEPS Serdang is a quarantine place for COVID-19 patients and not a hotel or resort for your stay. If you want the truth about the food at in MAEPS Serdang, this is the most honest review I can ever offer. Remember, you don’t need to pay anything for your stay, food and all the tests at MAEPS Serdang Selangor. Be grateful what we have, please take care and be safe!


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